Sunday, June 15, 2008

The problem with Star Wars

The problem with Star Wars is that you reach a certain age where the movies just don't make sense. For example I present the following line that is repeated throughout the series:

"Search your feelings Luke/Anakin..."

What the fuck does that even mean? It's gibberish... How does one search their feelings? If one could search their feelings, what would they find out? If they're feeling mad and then "search their feelings" they'd find out that they are still mad? What kind of pseudo zen bullshit is that?

I'm still going to go see the new computer animated movie though, because really, the best parts of the recent ones are the parts without any people.


Blogger k keith said...

you must have a fever... i've never heard anything but good things come from you about Star Wars. er, aside from the Jar Jar snafu. that was just... well, you know.

1:42 PM  

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