Monday, September 11, 2006


Living in Southern California, there is a lot of talk about putting up some sort of wall between America and Mexico. This is a fantastic idea and, historically speaking, walls always work, no matter how many times they don't. Keep in mind we're talking about an actual physical wall, rather than the cultural, linguistic and economic wall that we currently have.

Refusing to learn from the mistakes of our past, lets continue marching forward with this "build a wall" idea.

You're probably saying "Hey A. Jonathan Cox, how have walls worked in history?" And here are the only examples I can think of, of which there are two.

One - The Great Wall of China
This is a mondo wall built by slaves to separate China from the invading hordes that threatened China's general well being. The wall was built in sections and a lot of these sections didn't meet up. The more forward thinking fellows of the time saw this as an opportunity to eventually attract tourists to China...700 years later, but that's not the point. Allegedly the wall can be seen from Space, as I've never been to Space I can not verify this claim. All in all, the wall worked out all right for China. It didn't keep out the invading hordes per say, but it did keep out the menacing deer and other blood thirsty animals who routinely igonored Chinas borders - no matter how many times they were asked to keep to themselves. Well done wall.

Two - The Berlin Wall
Finally, success! We finally have a wall that worked. The jury is still out on whether it was the wall that worked, or if it was because of the hard work of the armed guards, eager to fill anyone who got too close with bullets, who patrolled the wall in regular intervals. Nontheless, the East Germans were effectively separated from the West Germans and I'm sure both sides were happier for it. You keep your weird ideas on your side of the country, we'll keep ours on our side. That's logic you can't argue with. Ideas are toxic and should be quarentined. However it should be noted that from a PR standpoint the wall was a complete failure. Turns out it's hard to put a possitive spin on armed guards. Apparently once your body has been riddled with bullets, it's hard to think back on the whole afair fondly. I don't know why. Poorly done, wall.

So, in summary, a wall between countries is a good idea no matter how many times in history it has clearly been a bad idea.


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