Saturday, July 12, 2008

What is THE greatest movie robot since Johnny Number Five?

Wall E. Yeah. Holy sheet, man. Also, Jeff Garlin is the best voice of a cruise ship captain from the future.

Anyone who says "what about R2D2?" has not seen "The Phantom Menace".

Anyone who says "Robbie the Robot from Forbidden Planet" might have a point, but I'm all caught up in Wall E right now and can't be bothered with Robbie the Robot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed... Wall-E kicked major ass.. The 2nd best movie of the summer. Now time to write a blog about the best movie of the summer. The Dark Knight...

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B, for Blogging...
will you ever blog for us again?
i can hardly stand to wait much longer...

10:54 PM  
Blogger A. Jonathan Cox said...

You, sir, are not the boss of me.

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, sir, am no sir...nor am I a boss. Just a fan, anxiously waiting...

3:31 AM  

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