Tuesday, September 02, 2008

RNC: The Game!

I don't know if you're aware, but there's a lot of round, rosy cheeked white people gathered in St. Paul. It's the Republican National Convention and...it's on television! It needs a game!

So here's the game that I just made up. The gist is that you get a point when someone says one of the buzz words below (words are subject to change). Some words are double points and some are triple. Words most likely to be said during the pontification are worth less points.

At any time during the game, the word "point" may be substituted with the word "drink".

I should have mentioned that last part earlier.

SINGLE WORDS (If you hear these words, in any order)

One Point Words (One Drinkers, likely words):
Them, I, then, but, and, a, it, it's, its, there, they're, their, can, has, have, had, the, but, other, future, generations, children, gas, experience, leader, leadership, reform(er), maverick, Alaska, side, patriot, kittens, Maverick (capital M), experience, corrupt, war, Iraq, vice, President, Clinton, Hillary, Bill, Biden, Obama, Democrats, immigration, constitution, family, values, puppy, football.

Two Point Words (Double Drinkers, less likely words):
Gustov, Lieberman, Law & Order, Fred Thompson.

Three Point Words (Triple Drinkers, least likely words):
Jeb, moose, hockey, ball(s), shit, Gerard Depardieu, Led Zeplin, mother fucker, Gisele Bundchen.

BONUS PHRASES (if you hear these words, in this order, then you get points. Let's say five points. Or drinks. Or whatever.)

The Phrase that Pays
But that's not why I'm/we're here today...

The Bonus Phrase that Pays
I think this post ran out of steam...

Good luck!


Blogger k keith said...

Christ you're brilliant.
We could only watch about an hour of it last night.
It still hurts.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D, for Drink to your death!
Holy hell. LOVE the game, but you know, those 'one drinkers' are going to add up...you've got to be careful or you'll kill off all us leftward leaners!

I wish I had seen this last week, might have been easier to listen to all the pontificating...

3:44 PM  
Blogger Gina Lillie said...

I wish I would have read this before watching. It would have been a lot more enjoyable in a completely wasted.

11:45 AM  

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