Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dinning on Reality Television

Sometimes I like to watch TLC's Little People, Big World and then follow that up with a nice helping of E!'s House of Carters. There's just something about a family overcoming actual adversity and being totally awesome about it juxtaposed with a family facing imagined adversity and being complete a-holes about it.

Little People, Big World follows the Roloff's who are a family with average height kids and one below average height kid with two below average height parents. Sort of a hodge-podge, if you will. Dispite any adversity, the family manages to stay together and be awesome and take sweet vacations to Hawaii. At the end of every episode I feel refreshed, like there is nothing in the world that I cannot do. The Roloff's pretty much do everything that a family should do.

House of Carters follows an anonymous member of a sub-par boy band and we, the viewing public, get to watch his siblings lurk in his slip stream. It's not as cool as it sounds. These people are kind of a train wreck, and by "kind of" I mean that they are a train wreck. If they play their cards right they'll be able to parlay this minutia of fame into a future of video-store robbery, a career in pornography and misdemeanor drug possession charges. Seriously, watch it once. There's a whole lot of vying for attention going on and a lot of complaining from the front seat of their Mercede's S-class.

Now, you're probably saying to yourself "Hey, A. Jonathan Cox, why should I watch one over the other?" And here's my answer - House of Carters features a cast member who had biblical relations with Paris Hilton and can't get over it. The Roloff's on Little People, Big World have one of those big pumpkin launchers that can fling a pumpkin into space. To me, the answer is simple - everyone has had biblical relations with Paris Hilton so that's not interesting anymore. Not very many people have a giant pumpkin flinger in their yard, ergo the Roloff’s on Little People, Big World are the winners here.

Actually, the Roloff's are the winners in many, many more ways that this.


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