I'm pretty sure that the world is about to end, and here's why:
(1) Karl Rove is quiting/retiring this month. Rather than fall on the sword he's taking some time off. I'm sure we'll see him on the board of Halliburton in a matter of weeks. He's classy like that.
(2) Britany Spears is making Keving Federline look like the best, most sober, and most put together parent of the two of them. Fantastic, take a bow.
(3) My dog has finally stopped peeing in the house. Of course this may have something to do with the fact that I boxed him up and fed-exed him to the nearest bunch of gypsies, but it's still a win in the win column.
That's it. I've just got the three reasons but in my defense they're really fucking fantastic reasons.
PS I didn't really send my dog, via fed-ex, to the gypsies, but some days I give it some serious thought.