If you're sitting in your living room on a friday night, wearing nothing but your jockeys and replica mask of Sauron and you're saying to yourself, "my life is just about ninety minutes too long" then a good remedy is to watch the movie Feast.
The first minute and a half showed a lot of promise with neat/creepy super-8 stuff in the desert. It was artsy and interesting. Unfortunately at the 91 second mark the movie goes straight down the toilet and stays there for the next 88 minutes and 29 seconds. It's nothing but missed opportunities and bad decisions, this combined with a bad plot and self reverential jokes that don't quite connect makes for an aweful movie experience.
Just horrible.
The problem with horror comedies start with the movie Tremors, and to some extent Shaun of the Dead, where they take absurd, yet endearing, characters and put them in horrible situations. The comedy comes from how the characters react rather than the monsters that are attacking them. The runner in Feast deals with monster genitals and monsters humping. Hilarious...not so much.
The horror-comedy genre is a tough nut to crack and the people who made Feast just didn't even try. They weren't clever enough to make the movie interesting or funny. According to the dvd extras - they creators thought of the movie as 50% horror, 50% comedy. They grossly overestimated on both counts.
I think Project Greenlight should be titled "How to make a bad movie."